Today I checked out the sprinkle section of Stacy Julian's Blog. Her suggestion was to buy local." Well this was a quite timely post I must say! Monday we went in search of wild black berries we found some but by next weekend we should be able to get buckets full. I just pulled green beans off our plants yesterday, the tomato, yes only one, is ready and I have lettuce to picktoo! For a grand total of FREE! Got to love free fresh food. Hey that would make a great page title...ok the brain is now spinning.Speaking of scrapbooking I have been on a roll I tell you. It started with these cute doily's!I have been following Christine Middlecamp's doily project and I got these 4 done so far. She just started the Savvy Window tutorial and so far I love it.
This weekend included playing over at the Fiskars lift-a-teer crop (oh yeah I am a fiskateer now!) anyways I won 2 challenges and should be getting some sweet prizes coming my way soon :)
here are some of the lo's I created for that... What do you think? I will be back later to share some more lo's I have gotten done thanks to Big Picture Scrapbooking's Big Idea Festival. Oh and the inspiration class I signed up for over there starts tomorrow too so I should have plenty to share!
Hi to all my readers! Although I have a suspicion that many of you have given up on me. I don't blame you I had neglected the blog for a while. But I am here to update you all on some of the things I have been doing. First, I have been checking out the cool site Cartwheels In My Mind and I was featured on there reader submission post here. My quilt is the second image. I was then inspired by Amy's Free For All post. Amy made this cool memory jar and I just had to do it too. I got the jar at Pier 1 for $10. The bling swirls were a pack from Michaels Recollections line that I cut up to fit on the jar. The ribbon is from a pack I got at Targets dollar section in July. I made the flower out of old tissue paper and glimmer mist. I then added the bling to the middle that I got in a 100 pack from the dollar store and used glitter glue to keep it in place. It was fun, quick and easy to make. This has been a great summer for pictures of Jessica. We have done so much and traveled so much that I was bound to get some good pictures :) Here are a few of my favorites...
Thanks for hanging in there I have more in store for you soon.
My August horoscope has really got my butt in gear. For those of you who know me on Facebook you already saw it but for the rest of you here it is "indulge your artistic side. It needs to come out!" I guess it hit home because I have been lacking in the creativity department as of late. But no more. I am taking the call to heart and am working hard to get out and stretch my wings yet again. I have signed up for 3 classes at Big Picture Scrapbooking, and one at Paper Studio tomorrow. I also found a journaling class on Elle's Studio Blog. Last week, I decided to take a chance and post some pictures to a blog I found while blog hopping on vacation and they posted one of my quilt pictures here. Check it out! They have great ideas and post beautiful pictures. I am also trying to get on there DT cross your fingers. Hope to be back tomorrow with pictures of my Beach book. Till then happy crafting!